From the course: Adopting the Habits of Elite Performers

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Distinguish between good and bad fears

Distinguish between good and bad fears

- You know, that's an interesting point you brought up there with regard to, if you're scared, it's a good indicator that it's something worth doing because the scariness, the discomfort, is associated with that growth territory unfolding. So I'm wondering, is there any distinction between the type of fear or scary sensation that means, oh yes let's do that versus no this is wise, prudent, show caution (laughs) that you should not do that. - I love that. Yeah, you have to say it, right? Because, I always ask people like, is fear good or bad? Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? And most people will say, "Well, it depends." And that's the only appropriate answer. It depends. You consider the caveman back in the day, you know? And they're looking around, like if you're not afraid of the saber-toothed tiger. Now, I don't know if there were saber-tootheds back then, but you know, they're the threat. The threat, if you're…
