From the course: Real Estate: Developing a Growth Mindset

Developing your mindset

- [Narrator] Let's talk about areas of our lives that contribute to a mindset. Number one, intelligence. We're talking about the level of education that you have reached on a particular topic. What do you know? Because what you know can influence your mindset. Have you ever met somebody, maybe a teenager before they've left home, who has a specific mindset towards the world around them and how they relate to it, only to change that mindset once they gain a greater education, namely leaving the house, paying bills, and dealing with the world at large. That's just one example of how our knowledge and understanding can affect our mindsets. Number two, personality can also affect a mindset. For example, if you're an energetic and a thrill-seeking person could that affect the way you interact with and see yourself in relation to the world around you? For example, if you are an energetic and thrill-seeking person, might it affect the way that you view the sport of golf? Might it affect the way you view your profession? And vice versa. If your personality is one that enjoys relaxing, calming activities, would that affect the mindset around something like skydiving? Number three, your talents can affect your mindset. Talents are those things that seem to come naturally to us. They're the things where we seem to put in the least amount of effort and grow the fastest. Some of us are talented at book learning. Others are talented at sports. I'm amazed at many of my friends who know how to build things, whether it be with metal or with wood, just their common sensibility to put things together is astounding. But our talents could affect our mindsets. And lastly, our past experience can affect the mindsets that we choose to have.
