From the course: How to Give and Receive Useful Feedback Every Month

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Demonstrating a DIY review

Demonstrating a DIY review

- [Pete] We'll make this like, okay, let's just say you are the owner of my whole company, and I am an employee who is in charge of making the How to be Awesome at Your Job podcast, and we are having a monthly check-in here. How would we start? - [Craig] Well, I would say, "Well, Pete, thank you for taking the time "to come in and meet with me today. "As you know, we do do-it-yourself performance review "on a monthly basis "really so we can have an open and constructive dialogue "around how things are going. "And so, appreciate you taking the time "to go through the reflection questions. "And fundamentally, what I want us to talk about "this afternoon are a couple of things. "Number one, how do you feel things are going "in terms of the goals that you set out this month? "How do you feel that you're performing? "Then also, what are the gaps? "What are some areas where you feel there are possibilities "to raise your…
