From the course: Organizational Learning and Development (2016)

Curating content

- Have you ever done an online search for something you need for your job? For example, search for online learning. Isn't it crazy how much information pops up and how many solutions there are to choose from. The right way forward is usually far from certain. Your talent experiences this in the same way. They'll start with a need and can quickly get overwhelmed with choices, many of which won't really be helpful. One of the best ways to help your learners cut through the noise is to curate content for them. Curating just means that you've selected the best and most relevant options and made them easily available. I recommend that for every learning solution you create, you get in the habit of curating additional content. It's how ya build a culture of learning and set your learners up to empower their own growth. Here are some ideas that have worked for me. I like to link to current articles on the topic, seeking fresh and recent content. I vet the articles to make sure they come from reliable sources like Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, et cetera. I also prefer content that is based in research or best practices and I only use opinion pieces if they come form an industry expert or thought leader, like a chief executive from a peer or well known company. Books are another great source and some learners really like the depth and breadth that a book provides on a topic. Videos are another great option too. I also really love TED Talks. Many authors and thought leaders have videos on their own websites which you can link to as well. And don't forget Podcasts and websites, there's lots of great options and by offering a range you can honor the diverse needs of adult learners. Just be sure that you vet everything first. It's important to make sure that the context and content align with the culture of your organization, and that the quality matches the brand you're creating for your learning program. Finally, you'll need to figure out how and where to house materials you curate. When you're small things can live on a shared drive and you can provide links to employees. But as you get bigger, you'll want to make them accessible and searchable through a website or online portal. This can be a great way to partner with your colleagues in the technology and communication functions of your organization. But bottom line, curating content is a great way to empower learning culture and keep your learners moving forward.
