From the course: Complex Project Tips and Tricks

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- So in the case of the Airbus 380 project, we had a combination of people coming from Germany, the UK, Spain, and France. They were tasked to work together to design and build the world's most complex passenger aircraft, okay? Now, they each brought different values and assumptions. They were competing values and assumptions. So the question becomes which is the right way of working together? So culture are those values and assumptions that are learned by the teams when they're working jointly on something, like, for example, problem solving together. And when things come out a certain way and they work out well, then they decide, well, this is the right way of doing things. Now, in a one-team culture, what we're looking for, what the goal is for people to be thinking about how their actions and decisions are going to impact the whole team and the whole project. The question is what is the right way of working when you had all of this mix of the different cultures? So here's a few…
