From the course: Access Quick Tips

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Creating labels for forms and reports

Creating labels for forms and reports - Microsoft Access Tutorial

From the course: Access Quick Tips

Creating labels for forms and reports

- [Instructor] For each field you include on a report or in a form, Access gives you two things, a label that identifies the field and the field box itself to hold the field data. You can add your own labels, too, to explain or identify content or to give instructions to the user. To add a label, be sure you're in Design view and click the Label button on the Design tab. Drag to draw a box in the location and at the size you feel will meet your needs. You can move and resize it as needed later. Type in the box, and the label is made. If you see a caution button, ignore it or click it and tell Access to ignore it. It's merely Access checking to make sure you didn't mean to create a text box with an accompanying field box. Once the label's made, you can use the Format tab to change the font, color and size of the label text or to apply a colored fill to the box.
