From the course: Key Psychological Principles for Ethical Persuasion

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Create rapport through commonalities

Create rapport through commonalities

- [Host] Can you share, what are some of the other most powerful principles that you said once you see, have a label for something. You can use it and identify it. Can we hear some more useful labels? - [Guest] Okay, well, one of the principles that we talk about is called the principle of liking, which tells us that we prefer to say yes to people that we know and like now listeners might be saying, "Well, duh we all know that." What a lot of people don't think about though, is how to make that a reality, and most people will go into situations and work really hard to get people to like them, and that's better than doing nothing. But the most powerful thing you can do is to go into a situation to say "How can I come to like this other person? "And I'm going to therefore connect "on what we have in common. "I'm going to listen. "I'm going to try to take it in "and when I hear something we have in common like "we grew…
