From the course: How to Network When You Don't Like Networking

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Contrasting introverts and extroverts

Contrasting introverts and extroverts

- So there's really three differences between introverts and extroverts and my system of networking is really focused on this dimension. Introverts think to talk and extroverts talk to think. Introverts energize alone and extroverts energize with others. And introverts go deep, deeper into fewer relationships, fewer interests, less activity around them. That does not mean they're less active. It just means less competing action for the brain. And extroverts are the opposite, they talk to think, they energize with others, and they go wide. They like a lot of people, a lot of action, a lot going on. So if I know that I think to talk, what I have to do is prepare in advance some good questions, to practice what I'm going to say, to get familiar with typical topics people might raise at this event and be prepared with answers. Also, if introverts tend to be more private and they don't want to talk about themselves as much,…
