From the course: Just Ask: Dorie Clark on Personal Effectiveness

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Consciously leveraging your gifts and talents

From the course: Just Ask: Dorie Clark on Personal Effectiveness

Consciously leveraging your gifts and talents

(mellow music) - [Joe] Hi, my name is Joe, and I'm a full-time university professor here in Pueblo, Mexico. Here's my question, Dorie. How do you best evaluate if it is worth your time, energy, and effort to attempt to change things that you know would benefit your organization and your coworkers' engagement or take your talents to another company that might be more appreciative of your passion and enthusiasm? Thank you. - [Dorie] Hey, Joseph. Many of us have probably had to make a call at some point in our career about whether it was worth it to stay and fight and try to make change within an organization or just move on to a greener pasture where we might be better appreciated. And so as I think about how to weigh that and evaluate that, I would ask yourself a couple of questions. The first is whether you have an ally or a sponsor who can help you, and the reason that's so important is that if you are the…
