From the course: Guided Compassion Meditation Practices

Connecting to compassion

- [Instructor] Welcome to this practice of connecting to compassion through breath and intention. As you settle in, begin to focus on your breath. Notice the flow of your breath in and out of your nostrils. There's no need to control your breath. Simply notice how it feels to breathe in and breathe out. Continue to focus your attention on the sensations of your breath, and if your mind wanders, simply guide your attention back to the breath. Now bring one or both hands to your heart in any gesture that feels right to you. Bring awareness to your hand or hands. And sense the skin of your palms. Sense the hand on your chest and your chest under your hand. Perhaps you can sense the movement of your chest as you breathe. Now, shift your awareness inward and feel the expansion of your heart and lungs as you breathe in. Feel that expansion dissolving as you breathe out. Return your hands to your lap and continue sensing the area around your heart. Imagine that you could move your nose or your nostrils to the center of your chest, that you could breathe in and out of the chest. What would it feel like to breathe into an out of the heart space? Sense the in breath expanding your chest and lungs and heart. And as you breathe out, imagine that you could exhale directly from your heart, inhaling into the heart, exhaling out from the heart. Now, bring to mind someone or something you care about, and notice any sensations of warmth, expansion or lightness around the heart. Refresh your attention to someone or something you care about. And as you bring them to mind and to heart, notice how you feel. As you breathe in and out of your heart, imagine the breath nourishing your heart. Let the breath give energy to your love and compassion. Now consider if there's any compassionate aspiration or intention that you would like to bring to mind and heart. If so, repeat the phrase in words that resonate with you in your own mind. One possible aspiration is may I be a compassionate presence for those who are suffering, or may I have the courage today to offer compassion to all those who need it, including myself. If there is an aspiration or intention you would like to bring to mind and heart, repeat it in your own mind now. Allow yourself to smile as you connect to your own compassionate intention. Sense the compassionate intention expanding and strengthening your heart. Now bring your attention to your whole body. Take a deep breath and notice how you feel. Take this feeling with you and the sense of being connected to your own compassionate heart. Know that you can tap into this compassion at any time. (bell ringing)
