From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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- Congratulations! You've finished my interview course. CVs, interviews, how to get the job you want. Such an important subject. And I really hope it's been useful. I hope this course changes your life, because if it helps you get the perfect job for you, then that is brilliant. So all you've got to do now is do it. Work through the course, make your notes, get your CV perfect, really plan those interview questions, practice them with some friends. You can do it. And what I would say is aim high. Aim for that job that you probably won't get, but maybe you can get it, because you can. Don't think, oh I'll never get that job, it's not worth the try. Aim high. And keep searching for the perfect job for you. So if your current job is okay, but it's a bit boring or the boss is not that nice, that's not good enough. Five days a week of your whole life is going to be spent doing this, so keep searching for the…
