From the course: Mindful Working: 11 Ways to Improve How You Work

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- [Instructor] By this point in your practice, you may be discovering the difference mindfulness can make when you're feeling stressed. But what happens when you find yourself locked in conflict with your boss or your partner, and mindfulness goes out the window? What happens when you get really stuck in feeling hurt or angry, when you're caught in blame or defensiveness? Today, we'll look at mindfulness practices that can help in these situations. When we feel threatened, part of our evolutionary design is to go into fight, flight or freeze, none of which serves so well when it comes to good communication. In fact, these primitive survival strategies directly undermine our capacity to understand each other, to resolve conflict and to collaborate effectively at work. Neuroscience research confirms that mindfulness improves the brain's ability to process emotions under stress. It trains us to shift away from that…
