From the course: Analyzing a Real Estate Deal

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Common anomalies

Common anomalies

- [Instructor] Now that we've looked at some great tools for determining the after-repair value, let's look at one more item before we move into the three actual steps for analysis themselves. We want to look at what are called anomalies. In other words, what's different about a property that might lead to a major deal or might lead to a major deal-breaker. For example, you might see a house that doesn't seem to fit its surroundings. Well, why not? Well, maybe the house is too big. Maybe it's a 3,000-square foot house surrounded by 1,200-square foot houses. In that case, that's pretty bad. That could be a deal-breaker. People who want to buy big houses generally want to be surrounded by other people with big houses. That's going to be a hard house to sell. Conversely, if you find a house that's really a lot, lot smaller than its surrounding homes, a 1,200-square foot house surrounded by 3,000-square foot houses, it could…
