From the course: Getting PR Placements

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Choosing relationships that match your brand

Choosing relationships that match your brand

From the course: Getting PR Placements

Choosing relationships that match your brand

- So the next step is choosing the relationships that match your expertise or your brand. You want to do your research. You don't want to be writing for a publication that's a wrong match. So be careful of that. Show some personality. This is a really good tip for you. I cannot tell you how many times I have spoken to people on the phone or in an email you can read right through that email and realize there's no personality happening there. Make it fun and put some personality into what you're doing. The best experts featured are the most likable. They have a lot of followers. They have a lot of people buying their books, and there's a good reason for that. So my next tip is that you can also start a conversation via social media. Create a list of all the reporters, journalists, editors that you love and do your research. You can start by watching them, cyber following, whatever you want to call it. Start having a…
