From the course: Find Your Dream Job: Interview Techniques and Resume Writing

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Check it

Check it

- Now I mentioned earlier, I'm quite obsessed with typos. If I find a typo, I know that that person doesn't really care about applying for the job for me. So, it's really important to check your CV. And there are two main things I want to say about checking CVs. The first one is, if you're completing it online, before you send it off, cut and paste it into Word, 'cause then you can use the spellchecker. And then, check it yourself by eye, have a read-through and just be really, really picky about it, and then get someone else to check it. Find someone like me, who's really fussy, and get them to check it. Because just one spelling error will get you binned. You want to get a really fussy friend to check both the grammar and to look for mistakes. 'Cause remember, that some spellcheckers, they won't spot every type of mistake. So if you don't know the difference between their, T-H-E-I-R, and there, T-H-E-R-E, then the…
