From the course: Sky Yogi: Relax and Stretch for a Better Flight

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Cat-cow pose

Cat-cow pose

(upbeat music) - Hey, welcome to Sky Yogi. This is Jay, and we're going to do an exercise that helps you to move your spine. So I'd like for you to on an inhalation, sit up a little bit taller, so you can come away from the back of your chair. And face forward so the back of your neck comes long. And take a nice big inhalation. And on your exhalation, follow it. So as you follow it, you're going to just fall forward. Let your shoulders slump. Let your head hang to the extent that it feels comfortable to your neck. And you might even bring your hands to your knees here and kind of press your low back or mid back towards the chair. Good, and then on your next inhalation, follow your inhalation. It's going to lift your chest and take your chin a little bit higher and drop your shoulders down your back, and then hang out here for a couple breath. So make sure the back of your neck stays long. So you're kind of lifting…
