From the course: Comparing Agile versus Waterfall Project Management

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Can plans be too flexible?

Can plans be too flexible?

- Now, can I ask you about embracing of change? And before we started filming, you mentioned that actually you think that conventional project management might even be too flexible. Because one of the things that, kind of irritates me about Agile people is they say, "Ah, yes well Waterfall's too inflexible." And that really annoys me because I don't think Waterfall is inflexible. It seems to me that, yes, you start with a plan but if the customer wants to change the plan at any time, they are welcome. It'll probably cost a bit more. And it'll probably delay the project a bit more, but it's no problem to change the plan. It just means that if you change the plan, you know the effect of the change. So I can tell you, "If you want to add on "this extra bit to the project, "it's going to take another three weeks "and cost another 5,000 pounds or whatever." So, and I'm not sort of punishing you 'cause I'm against change,…
