From the course: Conquering Writer's Block

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Calm your mind

Calm your mind

- [Instructor] When people ask me what is my number one productivity tool when it comes to writing, I tell them meditation and it's absolutely true. If you've taken my Productivity Hacks for Writers course, you know I'm a huge fan of meditation. As a modern technology obsessed society, meditation and mindfulness has never been more important for our productivity, our focus, our output quality and our sanity. I started meditating every morning before writing back in 2015 and since then, not only has my productivity skyrocketed, I find myself writing some of my best work yet and I find myself dealing with writer's doubt far less often. Why? Because I'm spending just a few minutes a day centering my brain, calming my thoughts and focusing my mind so that it can do what I need it to do which is write. If you're finding your mind to be cluttered, scattered, unfocused and hard to still long enough to write anything then I highly recommend you try this effective yet very simple tool. To…
