From the course: How to Perform Business Analysis in a Virtual Environment

Business analysis in virtual environments

From the course: How to Perform Business Analysis in a Virtual Environment

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Business analysis in virtual environments

(lively music) - You're pumped, you're ready. You're rolling in. Wait, where is everybody? What do you mean, no one's on the same time zone? You were all ready to get some serious analysis work done, but no one is even in the same room. It can feel like all your passion just got sucked out. Yet with your analysis skills and the virtual approaches we'll go over in this course, you actually can really support teams in accomplishing some amazing change work, no matter where you are or they are in the world. Aloha, my name is Jamie Champagne. And as an overly passionate business analyst, I'm here to help show you how analysis work can be highly successful in virtual environments. Training in analysis skills, both in-person and virtually, I hear often how powerful it is to show them techniques. So get excited, because that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to explain, then actually demonstrate each skill so that you can immediately start trying these in your analysis work. These are the same techniques you would use in person, same methodology, same tools. It's just a tailored approach to be successful in virtual environments. So let's get started.
