From the course: Boost Resilience with Mindfulness

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Beginner’s mind

Beginner’s mind

- [Instructor] So far in Mindfulness Daily at Work, you've been developing and deepening the skills of focus and resilience and doing this with a kind and a clear attention. In this session, we're going to explore what one Zen master calls beginner's mind. Beginner's mind is the mind that sees with fresh eyes, with interest and openness, the many possibilities. Whether we're solving problems, innovating, selling, or leading, whether we're at work, in a classroom or with family with beginner's mind, we can see things in a fresh way. Neuroscientists at the University of Toronto has demonstrated that mindfulness training leads to a more accurate observation and a clarity of perception. With mindfulness, we're seeing things as they are, rather than bringing a backlog of history, filters and interpretations. Beginner's mind opens us to a natural joy, as well. I remember when my daughter was a year and a half old, she would…
