From the course: Building Resilience

Become resilient

From the course: Building Resilience

Become resilient

- "Where there is no struggle, there is no strength." A memorable quote by Oprah Winfrey, America's television personality, entrepreneur, philanthropist and producer who grew up in a childhood of poverty and abuse in rural Mississippi. Resilience and the strength it involves is not learned by reading a book or sitting in a classroom training. It's learned by practicing again and again in the trenches of every day life. Now it's up to you to do the work. Evaluate your action. Again, keep your attitude positive as you reflect. Get feedback from your advisory board. Step away, take a break from the situation. And finally, determine if you need to put the experience behind you. Like you, I'm still in training with these strategies. Raising your resilience threshold is a work in progress and training has to happen in the trenches. Keep doing the work and you're bound to become more resilient.
