From the course: Start a Side Hustle

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Ask five people for help

Ask five people for help

From the course: Start a Side Hustle

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Ask five people for help

- You may have heard the expression, no man is an island. It's kind of a weird expression if you think about it but I think the principle is that you can't do everything on your own. Let's modify it a bit, and say even if you could do everything on your own, you might not want to or it might be easier to get some help. Here's the takeaway for this session, ask specific people for specific help don't just spray and pray, again be specific. And the most common request that you might have, once your project is ready to go, is for people to help you reach your ideal customers or clients. But you might have a few other tasks before then. For example, when you're going through your shopping list of deliverables you need to create you might want to ask for something like specific technical help. Hey I can't get this WordPress plugin to work. How do I apply a filter to this photo? You might want to ask for clarity around your marketing or pricing. And don't just ask people what they think…
