From the course: Empathy Tips for HR Professionals

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Ask empathetic questions

Ask empathetic questions

- What did you think of Rob's project considering his scope was limited and he didn't have the best people available? Did someone ask you this type of question, full of assumptions and judgments they had already made so there didn't seem to be an opportunity to describe the situation as you saw it or give your own opinion? The way questions are phrased can dramatically change the way people respond, how much they share, and whether they tailor their answer. You might have included signals in your question without realizing it. That they feel they should align with or incorporate into their answer implicitly or explicitly. We also understand the benefits of cognitive diversity and being open to all perspectives. So it's beneficial to hear what people really think. The way to find out is to ask empathetic questions and yield the lead. Which means taking care not to prejudice what the other person says. Give them the…
