From the course: Difficult Conversations: Talking about Race at Work

Apply the compassionate curiosity framework

From the course: Difficult Conversations: Talking about Race at Work

Apply the compassionate curiosity framework

- So in these conversations, it's important to apply a replicable framework. And the reason why is because you're going to be highly emotional during these conversations. The other person's going to be highly emotional as well in these conversations. And so it's intentionally simple so you can remember it, because most likely you're not functioning at your best. And it's a simple three-part framework. And part number one is acknowledge and validate emotions. Number two, get curious with compassion. and number three, joint problem-solving. And this is a framework that I use as an attorney in my business negotiations. And it's a framework that I teach to people who are negotiating large business deals. And then it's the same framework that I use at home with my wife and with my four-year-old. It's extremely flexible but extremely simple. And it's perfect for these difficult conversations about race.
