From the course: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing (Blinkist Summary)

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Anticipating problems

Anticipating problems

- [Narrator] Blink number five. When starting new projects, try to anticipate problems and recognize the power of the mid-point. We like to imagine that no matter the undertaking, we'll hit the ground running and get off to a good start effortlessly. But in reality, we're bound to encounter a challenging take-off at least once in a while. Here's a helpful tool that the author uses to ensure things go as smoothly as possible with any new endeavor. A pre-mortem, it's like a post-mortem, the procedure a mortician would go through at a hospital only moved up to before a project even begins. In other words, imagine all the ways in which your project might die, and identify all the possible causes of death so that you can be sure to avoid them. For example, could having too many people work on it mess things up? Or not having enough? Is the objective too vague? By figuring out the most likely problems, you can better avoid…
