From the course: Learn Emotional Intelligence, the Key Determiner of Success

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Angie McArthur: Collaborate intelligently

Angie McArthur: Collaborate intelligently

(light music) - Collaborative intelligence we define as the measure of our ability to think with those who think differently on behalf of what matters to us all. What it really comes down to and why it's a new professional currency is that the most significant gift that our species brings to this world is our capacity to think, and yet the most significant danger we have is that we don't know how to think with those who think differently. And so by exploring the different strategies in our understanding of collaborative intelligence, what we're inviting the reader to do is expand those who they are capable of thinking with. The brain is unbelievably influenced with those whom you spend the most time and so we invite you to consider the first three or four people that come to mind that you do spend the most time with especially in the workplace and look at that person through the lens of these four aspects, and those aspects are, how much are you growing with this person, how much…
