From the course: Access Quick Tips

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Aligning form and report content

Aligning form and report content - Microsoft Access Tutorial

From the course: Access Quick Tips

Aligning form and report content

- [Instructor] Access makes it really easy to line things up in a form or a report. Proper alignment makes forms and reports easier to read. Boxes that don't line up are a distraction and people may wonder if you were as haphazard in entering the data as you were in designing your forms and reports and you don't want that. To avoid all of this, you can use the Align tool on the Arrange tab in Design View of the form or report. To use the options in the Align menu, just select two or more objects, labels or field boxes. And make your choice to align them by their tops, bottoms, lefts, or rights. If you want to move a field box and its label independently to stack them or place them side-by-side or just change the distance between them, you can drag by the gray box handles.
