From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Turning Life Wisdom into Business Success

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- I had a favorite uncle. This uncle would take me to the zoo, take me to drive-in movies, all the good stuff, right. And one day we go to this store, because he needed some screws, and to my utter amazement, he opened up the box of screws and took some screws, and we walked out. And so (laughs) this is my favorite uncle, who I not know is a shoplifter, and I'm an accomplice to this crime. And to this day, I think about that, because this is case where this a really good uncle. (laughs) I mean, it's not he was a pathological criminal or liar. He was a great guy, and yet he did this one thing, and that taught me something, taught me that he's a good guy, but he did something wrong, and I also have seen the flip side, where people who I thought were fundamentally bad would do good things, and so that's the concept of integration, where you can hold in your mind, the fact that life and people are not black and…
