From the course: Empathy Tips for HR Professionals

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Adopt empathetic and open mindsets

Adopt empathetic and open mindsets

- Ever been in a brainstorming session when a colleague threw in a crazy idea from left field? Was it distracting? Met with annoyance? Perhaps it was laughed at. It might also have triggered someone else to consider and connect previously unrelated dots and propose a new solution that was then messaged, refined, and adopted. Those aren't such crazy ideas. We recognize all people thinking alike, a group think, can limit creativity. In contrast, inclusive groups that bring together wide ranging perspectives or cognitive diversity are able to achieve higher levels of creativity, which the science of inclusion research confirms. Investment management firm Blackrock emphasizes cognitive diversity in their hiring. Investment committees need to consider all angles during their decision making process. Similarly, embracing diverse perspectives will benefit your brainstorming sessions and stimulate greater creativity…
