From the course: Managing Your Professional Network

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Adding value and staying in touch

Adding value and staying in touch

- Have you ever met someone who constantly asks you for favors? Or only reaches out when you can help them? I sure have. These people typically leave me feeling as if our relationship is one-sided rather than mutually beneficial. After all, they rarely even ask how I'm doing. The people in your network might end up feeling this way if you don't make a conscious effort to add value and support them. It doesn't matter if you're a freshman in college connecting with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you need to find a way to add value to that CEO. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "How in the world can someone early in their career "help out an experienced CEO?" Well, there's plenty of ways. One of the easiest ways to contribute to a relationship is to pass along information the other person values or finds of interest. If the CEO you met with leads a paper manufacturing company, you might want to pass along an…
