From the course: Time Management for Managers

What you should know before watching this course

From the course: Time Management for Managers

What you should know before watching this course

- All the viewers are welcome to go through Time Management for Managers. You'll find something here for you regardless of the position that you're in. However, I strongly recommend that you treat this as a supplement to my course called Time Management Fundamentals. This means that if you've already completed Time Management Fundamentals, feel free to dive right in and add it to what you've already learned. If you've not yet completed it, you can go through this course now and then later schedule time to complete Time Management Fundamentals. The two, together, will help you create a complete time management system for yourself as a manager. The principles that I'm going to cover apply to anyone in a leadership position. Even if your job description doesn't specifically say manager, you can still find lots of valuable tips for your position, especially if you're hoping to advance into a managerial position someday. I recommend you learn and practice these principles starting now.
