From the course: Creating an Amazing Life

Be a lifelong learner

Now no matter what you want to do with your life, or who you want to be when you grow up, I think we all need to remember to be lifelong students. We never know everything. I don't care who you are, you don't know everything. And there's always something new to learn. I'm a big advocate of people learning new skills, trying new things. I know with me, my creative juices get flowing, sometimes I'll try something different. I tried painting one time. It was not for me, but it was fun to try. And the internet and the tools out there, I mean you're watching this course right now. That's what's great! There's opportunity out there, to learn from so many different resources. You have no excuse. And it always drives me nuts when I meet somebody who says nah, nah, nah, I got it. We shouldn't ever think that way. Being a lifelong student makes you smarter, it challenges you, and you never know what door that may open up. You may discover something you never knew you loved to do. Granted, that might send you down a new path, but that's okay. Perhaps it's just going to be a curve, it's going to come back around. But never, ever stop learning. And related to that, never, ever stop wandering and wondering. This, you know, is deep, this one hits home for me, because you know, not all those who wander are lost. And some people get caught up in that. I love to discover new things. I love to just go to a new town and walk around and say hello to the strangers on the street and take pictures of everything I see. That to me is exciting because I don't know where it's going to lead. But so many people get caught up, get stuck in the groove, you know, the day to day, the monotony of it, and they never get the chance to wander and wonder. And those are two beautiful, beautiful things. I know I found this website one time, and I've since gotten to know the team called wanderopolis, and their whole website, everything they focus on, is about wondering and instilling that wonder into children. And we lose that as we grow up. I mean, they do a video everyday on a new wonder. Why are flamingos pink? Why does ice shatter? Why does a bat crack when you hit it? Things like that. And I love that they are instilling that into kids and I know their big mission is to put that into adults too. And I know that's why I'm a champion of them. That's why I tell the world about them, because I think they're doing it right. So as you're out there make sure that, you know, you're instilling that sense in you and you're passing it on to people around you because the minute that you get bored and the minute you just think you've seen it all, and you've done it all, that's when that amazing life and that path that you thought you were walking down is going to get kind of boring. It's going to kind of look like that same road you were on before. But if you're out there wandering and discovering new things and you're being a lifelong student, and you're learning new skills and you're meeting new people, all that together, that's what makes life really, really fulfilling. I know for me, one of the things people ask me what do I do, I say I'm an explorer, because I love exploring. I love to go out into the unknown and find out the unknown and finding problems that need to be solved. It's probably one of the reasons why my career has gone in a zigzag or tornado rather than a straight line. But I'm okay with that. Because I know in the end I'm going to have a very fulfilling and happy life.
