From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Entrepreneurship

The future of social media platforms

From the course: Guy Kawasaki on Entrepreneurship

The future of social media platforms

- Very hard to predict what the next dominant platform will be. I mean, just going back in the time machine a little bit, a few years ago everybody thought that MySpace would control the Internet, right? So MySpace would be the operating system of the Internet, and Amazon would be a little corner, and Apple would be a little corner, but it was MySpace's world. Then you sublet space from Myspace. Didn't quite come true, right? And so Facebook is dominating right now. Five years from now, will Facebook dominate, or will it be the MySpace, sold for 30,000,000 dollars? Unlikely, but back then we would've said, "Are you kidding me? You're telling me that in five years MySpace will sell for 30,000,000 dollars for assets, basically?" So this is all long explanation to tell you that I have no idea. I have no idea, but at least I know I don't have any idea because most people don't know that they don't have an idea and they think they do. I can't predict five years in advance. Nobody can. If they did, venture capitalists would, they would make 20 investments and be successful 19 times, not one time. Nobody knows.
