From the course: Happiness Tips

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The balance between planning for the future and living for the now

The balance between planning for the future and living for the now

From the course: Happiness Tips

The balance between planning for the future and living for the now

- While I was thinking about the link between money and happiness, I looked at my various friends. Are the richer ones happier? How do they live their lives? And what are they planning to do next? And one theme that I've noticed, is that generally, they're working very hard, and not particularly enjoying it. Certainly, not getting much leisure or family time at the moment. But they plan to get a payoff later in life when they sell their company, or retire on a nice, big pension. But is this a good plan? Let's have a look at two examples. One of my most financially successful friends works for a merchant bank. He earns lots of money, he lives in a massive house that has 11 toilets and other rooms as well. There's a swimming pool, a tennis court. He's even got his own woods. But he does have to work very long hours. And he doesn't really enjoy his job. Each night he gets home late, exhausted. He never sees his children, and he hardly sees his wife at all either. But he reckons it'll be…
