From the course: Happiness Tips

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What are your goals in life?

What are your goals in life?

From the course: Happiness Tips

What are your goals in life?

- A large contributor to happiness is a feeling of making progress towards a worthwhile goal. I'd love to be one of those people who build their own house, not just for the finished house, but for that great feeling during the project as your house gradually takes shape, or imagine how great it would feel to be part of an expedition preparing to climb Mt. Everest, except that obviously I'd be completely terrified, but that feeling of working towards something great is just the best feeling, and in our own small normal ways we can all do that. Your project or goal could be anything, redecorating a room, writing a book, organizing a band, growing vegetables in your garden, or setting up a sales webpage for jewelry that you make, or learning to speak a new language, anything where you have an objective and it takes you quite a long time to get there. During the process, you'll have a nice feeling of making progress towards a worthwhile goal. So, it all starts with thinking about some…
