From the course: John Maeda on Design, Business, and Inclusion


- One of my pet peeves is that people, when you say the word, design, they think oh, you mean the beautiful part, the sexy part, the handsome part, let's be gender-oriented. It's not about that. It isn't about how it looks. It's about how it works, how it feels, how it changes the person's life, that's what design's about. It's not about the aesthetics. It's about the outcome. The problem is that businesses must understand design to improve the processes and their outcome. The solution, pretty simple. It's about understanding design, how complex it is, why it's necessary, but also understanding inclusion, and how understanding different kinds of people, different than yourselves and becoming uncomfortable while together to make better products. That's all design is. It's about knowing who your customer is, how they feel, and making a superior product.
