From the course: Gary Hamel on Busting Bureaucracy


- Here's a question. What is the single greatest impediment to greatness in your organization? (upbeat music) If my experience is any guide, the answer to that question is bureaucracy. Bureaucracy costs the US economy three trillion dollars in lost economic output. And it has a similar cost all around the world. We can no longer afford bureaucracy and now it's time to abolish it. I want you to think about everything that's changing in our world right now. I want you to think about the 1.6 billion people who are on social media. I want you to think about the billions of sensors that are being connected together in the Internet of Things. Of the three dimensional printers, of private companies launching rockets into space, of the autonomous cars that are going to be in our lives in the next few years. Think about all that's changing and then reflect for a moment on the fact that the technology by which your organization is run has hardly changed in a 150 years. That technology is called bureaucracy and I believe we have to root it out of every organization. We can simply no longer afford it. Changing this is going to be a big job but it's up to us to do it, it's up to us to start now, and I want to tell you how. (upbeat music)
