From the course: Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh on Creating an Alliance with Employees


(introspective music) - So the world has changed. Whether or not you've realized it, in many corporations trust is broken. - The employee employer relationship hasn't evolved with the times. - Companies can't offer stable employment. Employees have many different options for a great career, which can include not just changing companies, but changing function and region, a number of other areas. - Employees realize, you know what? The promises that worked for my parents don't work for me. I don't believe anymore that the company's gonna keep me around for 30 years. And I'm gonna get a gold watch and a pension when I retire. - The alliance is a way to rebuild that trust. To essentially reforge a mutual admiration and respect between the employee and a company. - We believe that the Alliance framework is a way that you can balance the company's need for adaptability with the individual employee's need for transformation. - The solution is simple. Stop thinking of employees either as family or as free agents, but to start thinking of them as allies.
