From the course: Managing Customer Expectations for Managers


- Hi name is Jeff Toister. I'm an author, consultant, and trainer who helps customer service teams unlock their hidden potential. Welcome to the Manager's Guide to Managing Customer Expectations. Expectations are the foundation of how customers perceive our service. Good service is service that meets our customer's expectations. Poor service is service that falls short of our customer's expectations. And outstanding service is service that exceeds our customer's expectations. The challenge is different customers expect different things. Some customers have low expectations and are really easy to please. Other customers have expectations that are impossibly high and very difficult to meet. This course is designed to help you consistently manage your customer's expectations so they're less likely to experience poor service. We'll start by trying to understand today's customers by reviewing some of their general customer service expectations. Next we'll explore ways to prevent misunderstandings that can occur when customers have expectations that don't match what we can deliver. We'll look at ways we can educate customers so that they understand how we're able to serve them and how we're not. We'll look at tactics for managing how our customers view our responsiveness. And finally I'll share some techniques you can use to reinforce expectations with customers so they don't encounter any unpleasant surprises. Okay, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get started.
