From the course: Personal Finance Tips and Tricks

Welcome to the series

- Here's the thing about managing money, you're never done. Situations, needs, and goals are always evolving. Hi, I'm Amanda Clayman, a Financial Therapist who helps individuals, couples, and families bring money into balance. - And I'm Jane Barrat, an investment advisor, and founder of GoldBean, an online investing platform, that helps people start their investment journey, with the companies and brands they love, know, and buy. - In this series we'll explore a range of topics, from the tactical and technical, to the emotional and behavioral, to help you live your best financial life. We have considered the places where people often get stuck, or where they could use clear and trustworthy guide, those money questions you're sometimes embarrassed to ask. - If you're feeling stuck right now, our hope is that these tips will lay the ground work for a happier future, less stress, and that you'll be empowered to invest in your future self. We hope you'll watch for a new tip each week, and send us questions or suggestions for topics. Thanks for tuning in.
