From the course: Arianna Huffington's Thrive 05: Igniting Joy through Presence and Wonder

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Using affirmations to ignite joy

Using affirmations to ignite joy

- At the beginning of this lesson, I told you about this Gordon Parks photograph that's hanging in my bedroom, and that really captures the essence of peace and wonder for me. Have you found your image? If you haven't, keep looking, but also think about using an affirmation. I have this image, and I also have an affirmation. Here it goes. I'm on a train going home to God enjoying all the scenery along the way. So, in the course of my day, whenever I get contracted or feeling stressed, I can repeat this information inside my head silently and it's amazing the power it has to return me to that place of peace, and wonder, and strength. So, in this lesson, I want us to really stop multitasking and experience wonder, and make that conscious connection with the world around us. Being really present in our lives and living in the moment. So, anytime you feel contracted, go to that sense of wonder and creativity to help you expand. And remember, creativity doesn't have to be painting a…
