From the course: Thriving @ Work: Leveraging the Connection between Well-Being and Productivity

Thriving at work

- What we found is that the connection between self care and productivity are linked. In the old days, we thought that if we hustled long hours, and if we worked long, that would be the way that we would create success. What I'm finding over and over again is people are burning out. People are saying, "I can't do this anymore." People are walking away from careers that they've put many years into because they haven't taken care of themselves while they did their career. Hi, my name's Joey Hubbard, I'm Director of Trainings at Thrive Global. I'm fortunate. I get to travel all over the world supporting people in taking better care of themselves. So what we're finding globally is that the more we support people all over the world in taking care of themselves, the better they are at being who they are, being in relations with the people in their offices, in their home, and creating the kind of connections and relationships that they want in their life. It's all connected, and that's what Thrive Global's all about.
