From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Stay away from buzzwords

Stay away from buzzwords

- A lot of consultants have a tendency to use an excessive number of buzzwords in their communications. Their emails, reports, websites, and social media are full of them. I suggest you avoid buzzwords at all costs. They're confusing, and they can come across poorly to your clients. Speak and write directly. Say what you mean. Stay away from phrases like at the end of the day or leverage. Your ability to speak and write clearly will actually differentiate your services. Now, there's some fair criticism of me and my firm using buzzwords. The name of my firm is thoughtLEADERS. Now, out of fairness, I chose that name back in 2004 before it became a buzzword. By the time it did become a buzzword, I had built a strong brand with my clients, and it would cost me more to change the name of the firm than deal with a slight negative perception about us using a buzzword. That said, I'm sensitive to it, and I deal with the joking that I hear from my colleagues and my clients. With buzzwords…
