From the course: Start a Business Online

Starting with an agile mindset

From the course: Start a Business Online

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Starting with an agile mindset

- So you think you've got an idea for an online business, and you're excited right now. Well, there's a few things to consider, and one is just how you are about growing your business. Are you agile, now what do I mean by agile? It's a word that people bandy around a lot. It is about being curious, listening, it is about responding, and making sure that you're making maybe minor adjustments, but you're listening. And the third thing is to then keep doing it, over and over again, incrementally. These are not necessarily massive changes, but it's a way of thinking. It's also, this curious piece is very important when you're starting a business. You think you know everything or you're absolutely the world's expert in your product or service. But when you bring it to market, it's a completely different thing. In fact, it's probably more important to be agile online than even if you have a traditional business. And that is because markets move, customers move. If you're in a traditional business, you have major capital investment. You're setting up your shop, you're setting up your store, you're setting up your business. And you won't have done that unless you've listened deeply to what customers are wanting. The beauty of being online is that we spend small amounts of money regularly, adjusting, listening, and moving on. If I think back to 2001, and my first stages of my business, well, here we are, all these years later. Of course, it was never going to be the same, I had to keep listening, responding, listening, responding, listening, responding. And don't be scared of the vernacular, you know, being agile is like, what does that mean, what does pivot mean? What does bootstrapping mean, you need to know what these things are, do not fear it. Agile is a way of doing business, it's not just a formulaic approach to change or upgrade. Enjoy it.
