From the course: Administrative Professional Tips

Social networking and online etiquette

From the course: Administrative Professional Tips

Social networking and online etiquette

- Today it would be very hard not to have an online presence in one way or another. Some of us have a personal profile that can be found on the internet, and others are even in charge of our business' social networking accounts. We can't avoid online connection as this is the way our society is structured. It is incumbent that all employees practice good online etiquette. I believe it is extremely important in the case of administrative support professionals as we are not only representing ourselves online but we are also representing the bosses that we support. There are a number of cites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter that allow us to network within our professional communities. It is important in today's highly visible society that we ensure our profiles on any of these sites are representative of who we want to be seen as a person, as well as an employee. We should remember sometimes it is hard for people to distinguish from the two. It is especially hard for administrative support people as it is automatically assumed that you are speaking on behalf of the people you support. You will be judged by what you say and do in pictures and videos online. Social networking can be a very powerful way to connect with people on a variety of subjects. I have personally used my social networking sites to publicize my work and my areas of expertise. This has led to paid speaking engagements, volunteer opportunities, and powerful connections with the right people. In order to always put a positive self-image on social networking sites, I practice the following principles. Refrain from discussing religious or political views. Be cognizant of the types of personal photos used, nothing too sexy. Ensure you would be comfortable with any of your words being published in the newspaper for all the world to see before you post them. Use proper spelling and grammar whenever posting or sending direct messages. Treat people as you would want to be treated. There have also been instances where social networking and poor online etiquette has led to disastrous work outcomes for individuals. For instance, there have been many situations where people have expressed personal views that did not align what their employer's beliefs and have resulted in the person's dismissal. As administrative support professionals, we are automatically seen as representatives of the people that we support. We want to always do our best to present a positive image online. There's very little margin for error. Remember, once something is out there in cyberspace, there is no taking it back. So be sure you are okay with what you put out there. At the same time, have fun exploring the opportunities social networking can offer. You might connect with someone in your industry that you may never have had access to otherwise.
