From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Searching for survey alternatives

Searching for survey alternatives

- Before you launch a customer service survey, you may want to consider some alternatives. In many cases, you can get some or all of the information you're looking for faster and easier than by deploying a survey. Let's look at a few comment survey alternatives. External Review Sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor are already collecting much of the data you'd typically ask for on a survey. If your company gets reviewed on one of these sites, you may consider using that data instead of doing a survey on your own. Monitoring Social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook can also help you gather customer input. In some cases, social media can help you predict problems, since many customers will post during their experience, while a survey might be taken days later. Web Alerts can tell you when someone mentions your product, service, or company on a blog or website. You can use Google Alerts for free, though there are also many sophisticated software programs that do this. Your company…
