From the course: Arianna Huffington's Thrive 01: Discovering Meditation and Sleep

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Rethinking how we live our lives

Rethinking how we live our lives

- We've come to the end of lesson one, so what have we learned? We've learned that a wake-up call does not have to be a collapse like mine was. We've learned that we can really listen to the whispers, the warning signs. We've learned that sleep is a positive thing, that it's not true that if you snooze, you lose. It's not true that sleep is for when you die. All these things are just wrong, and modern science proves it. Agapi has taught us to meditate, and now we can be practicing it. So remember to continue adding to your goals on your life audit. It's going to be particularly important in lesson three. We don't have to collapse or have a giant life shock to have a real wake-up call that leads to change. Small changes, small microscopic steps can make a big difference. So keep it going. This is just the beginning.
