From the course: Contracting for Creatives

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- My hope is that this class has given you a basic overview of what you can encounter in contracts related to your creative business and endeavours, but it can't possibly cover everything you'll run across. That said, I've included some resources for you to access away from the course. Agents and managers. If you're looking to hire an agent or manager, your best resource is your social circle. You should be looking at the companies your peers are hiring and the specific niche markets in which they offer. Honestly, just find someone who was where you are two years ago and ask them how they got there. In addition to your peers, there are are organizations in every city around the world whose sole purpose is to connect creative professionals. For example, here in Washington DC we have TIVA. An entire list of creative professional organizations is available on the California government's website. Attorney pro-bono organizations. Chicago has attorneys for the creative arts, and here in DC,…
