From the course: Arianna Huffington's Thrive 02: Learning How to Unplug and Recharge

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Recharging by moving and disconnecting

Recharging by moving and disconnecting

- So we've come to the end of lesson two. I hope this has been a good lesson in self discovery. By now it should be clear that it should not take a personal health crisis to get us to pay attention. In my case, it took a couple of health crises to get me to pay attention, so I don't want you to have to go through that. I want you to just listen to the whispers. Notice the flashing lights before they become painful wake-up calls. So let me highlight a few things that I want you to walk away with, starting with the importance of walking. Walking meetings are amazing. Less multitasking, more focus. Move, move, and move. When you are upset or everything feels stagnant, get up and move. Take a moment to get your whole office moving. Use Rudy's simple steps to reenergize your body. I promise you, if you take the time to get moving, you'll see the wonder it'll bring you. Just try taking a walk around the block and really experience the walk. Look around. What are you seeing, smelling…
