From the course: Managing Your Manager

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Promoting yourself

Promoting yourself

There are a few difficult realities you need to understand. Systems at work designed to evaluate you, hold you accountable, and reward and promote you are imperfect. Your boss and the other senior leaders you're connected to, they're very busy. When you put these together, it becomes very clear that you have to actively manage the impression others have of you and your work, especially with your boss. They have many duties and are constantly bombarded with information from every direction. And so, somehow, you've got to claim your share of mind to ensure they remain meaningfully aware of what you're doing and more importantly, what you're accomplishing. Now, we all know a few folks who have taken this too seriously and actually caused themselves problems. They talk about themselves too often. They self-aggrandize too often, and as a result, they become known as a kiss-up, someone who just can't wait to tell the boss all about the amazing work they're doing every single time they have…
